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Weifang Linqu strongly builds 100 billion aluminum industry cluster

Date:2021-09-17 View:399

At present, the annual production capacity of aluminum profiles in the county reaches 1.8 million tons, accounting for 1/4 of the province.

Aluminum extrusion industry is the leading industry in Linqu County. In recent years, with the goal of building the "Aluminum Capital of China", the county has focused on adjusting the structure, grasping innovation, improving quality and creating brand, and significantly improving the scale and quality efficiency of the industry. At present, the county's annual production capacity of aluminum profiles reached 1.8 million tons, accounting for 1/4 of the province, the annual output value of more than 36 billion yuan, won the "China Aluminum Profiles Industry Base" "China (Jiangbei) aluminum profiles county" and other titles.

Grasp the policy planning, optimize the industrial layout. Municipal Party committee, the municipal government specially formulated "support the development of aluminum processing industry measures", for the county aluminum industry development provides a strong power support. In accordance with the "government-led, planning first, function, layout concentration" principle, the county hired the China Nonferrous Metals Processing Association compiled the "aluminum processing industry development planning" and investment directory, a clear focus on the development of the aluminum industry's main direction and focus. The county has planned and constructed "a park, an institute and five centers", such as aluminum processing industrial park, aluminum processing application research institute, national aluminum profile quality inspection center, international aluminum exhibition center, aluminum bar trading center, shared melting and casting center and logistics center, forming a competitive industrial ecology.

Grasp the transformation and upgrading, and enhance the level of industrial development. Guiding enterprises to actively enter the application fields of automobile lightweighting, aviation, dynamic vehicles, ships, etc., 21 transformation projects with an investment of 12.74 billion yuan have been newly launched. Vigorously implement the "ten hundred thousand" project, fully cultivate a ten billion national industry enterprises, support the growth of 10 backbone enterprises, 100 deep processing enterprises above the scale, more than 1000 supporting enterprises, industrial scale reached more than 100 billion yuan, has been successfully selected as the provincial industry "Goose formation" cluster. Based on seizing the national industry high point, the establishment of the China-Europe Energy-saving Doors and Windows Industry Development Alliance, built a 3600-acre energy-saving doors and windows industry base, the county's doors and windows enterprises developed to more than 120; the establishment of the National Aluminum Home Industry Alliance, is building the domestic 5G smart aluminum home industry community, the country's 23 home industry enterprises to join.

Grasp innovation-driven, enhance the core competitiveness of the industry. Continue to implement the "100 enterprises to expand" action, guide the aluminum profile enterprises to actively introduce technology and equipment, transform the production process and process, improve the level of enterprise mechanization, information technology, intelligence, more than 630 sets of new equipment since last year, the introduction of new technology, new technology more than 170 items, the completion of investment of 5.35 billion yuan. The organization of 195 enterprises on the scale and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shandong University, Central South University and other 106 scientific research institutions, the establishment of 34 innovation platforms above the provincial level, access to more than 650 national patents, the introduction of 450 cultivated technical personnel, more than 1,500 people in the title, for the development of aluminum industry to provide solid intellectual support.

Grasp the brand quality and expand the influence of the industry. We have 12 Chinese trademarks, 24 Shandong products and brands, organized enterprises have participated in the development of 31 national industry standards, and hosted the National Aluminum Industry Standardization Conference. Successfully held 12 China (Weifang) home doors and windows expo, a total of more than 600,000 visitors. Linqu aluminum profile enterprises have participated in such landmark construction projects as China Zun, Beijing Daxing International Airport, CCTV Building, 2022 Winter Olympic Games National Speed Skating Stadium, Xiongan Citizen Service Center, and Tanzania Presidential Palace, which further shouted "Good doors and windows, made in Linqu, China". " industry brand.

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