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Fundamentals of Sanhuan Group (300408) Company

Date:2023-06-27 View:762

Established in 1992 and listed in 2014, Sanhuan Group is mainly engaged in the production and sales of electronic components and basic materials of Electroceramics. Its headquarters and production base are located in Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province.

The company's main products include chip resistors, ceramic filters, ceramic microwaves, power distributors, thick film circuits, sensitive components, etc.

Sanhuan Group has core technology and independent research and development capabilities in the Electroceramics industry, has a certain popularity and market share in the domestic and foreign markets, and is the vice chairman unit of China Electronic Components Industry Association and the chairman unit of Guangdong Electronic Components Industry Association.

The goal of Sanhuan Group is to become a world-class manufacturer of electronic components and materials, achieving sustainable development and maximizing shareholder benefits

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